Men's Rites of Passage — Illuman of Minnesota

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Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP)


The Cosmic Importance
of Male Initiation

...with so many clear examples of how men have hurt women, other men, the earth and ourselves, Fr. Richard Rohr offers clarity, wisdom and insight in regard to how the Men's Rights of Passage can be part of the deep personal and community healing so much needed...


 What is the “Rites of Passage”?

Links to resources and articles related to Men's Rites of Passages.

The Men’s Rites of Passage is not just another Catholic/Christian men’s retreat, but five days of formal male initiation. These teachings on the “mysteries” and the accompanying rituals of Passover have been met with a very strong response in recent years.

Men's Rites of Passage 2017

Men's Rites of Passage 2017

Unfortunately, the proven way to lead males on this journey has been lost to the West for a thousand years. Franciscan priest Fr. Richard Rohr has reclaimed the ancient patterns of rites of passage and designed a modern day retreat for welcoming men into the male spiritual community.  Fr. Richard’s work in this area addresses the reality that if men are not led through an inner journey of powerlessness, they will inevitably misunderstand and abuse power.

Over 5,000 men have now been initiated through these rites of male initiation over the past 15 years. Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, (the creator of the MROP) and MALEs have trained teams of men to do the same. Illuman of MN is offering a Rites of Passage event this summer, June 18-22, 2025 in Sandstone, MN.  This site is for men who are interested in filling in an application form. Go to the Registration menu for details and a link to the application form. An application process is required, which is not a “first come, first served” process, but rather a discernment process about an applicant’s readiness.

The Rites of Passage are best for those who have already done some men’s work and who are on a serious spiritual journey. It is best to make this experience as a lone seeker. Fathers and sons are normally not initiated together, nor is it a buddy experience. You may come with friends, but expect to be assigned to a home group where you will be anonymous and start from zero together.


  • A personal discovery about masculine spirituality and ‘the Holy Mystery.’

  • A time to savor the healing and awesome power of nature.

  • A process to address issues of loss, grief, and relationships with our father, other men, and others.

  • An opportunity to examine life’s priorities and ask courageous questions about your ‘next step.’

  • An invitation to listen to the ‘quiet voice of God.’

  • A chance to return to life with a renewed commitment to your gifts.


  • A traditional lecture-based retreat.

  • An informational workshop about men’s spirituality.

  • A sensitivity training or deprivation experience.

  • A threatening process that requires participants to engage in anything strange or unsafe.

  • A test of physical stamina.


 Men’s Rites of Passage

For upcoming events around the country, visit ILLUMAN EVENTS.

next MROP in minnesota will be june 18-22, 2025

Registration for Illuman of Minnesota’s MROP will open by November 1, 2024. Check back at that time for more information on the event.


 MROP Registration

➔ June 18 - 22, 2025


Is The MROP Right For Me?

Acceptance to the MROP is based on perceived readiness for a deep encounter. In the Men’s Rites of Passage, images and ritual are used from a variety of religious traditions. Though our primary orientation has developed from the Judeo-Christian heritage, the universal nature of what the MROP addresses continually demonstrates that if something is true, it is true, and will resonate in human hearts all over this globe.

We are fed by the wisdom traditions of forgiveness and radical inclusivity, and the MROP welcomes all men regardless of faith tradition, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, socio-economic status or any other artificial divisions present in our society. We have welcomed men young and old, liberal and conservative, impoverished and wealthy, Christian fundamentalists, evangelicals, progressives, Buddhists, Catholics, Mormons, agnostics, “spiritual but not religious”, ardent pacifists and proud members of the US military, gay men and those yet homophobic…to say nothing of ethnic or nationality differences…and in almost every case, these men are all deeply moved despite their broad backgrounds and viewpoints.

The Men’s Rites of Passage are most appropriate for those who are spiritually searching.  Though friends and family do come together some times, it is preferable if you approach this experience as a lone seeker. Fathers and sons are normally not initiated together.  You may come with friends but expect to be grouped separately to start together from zero with your group. (You will actually find this to be an advantage.)

The Men’s Rites of Passage is ultimately designed as a once in a lifetime event. You may not make this initiation rite more than once, but you may return to help make the experience happen for other men as an initiator.

Elements of the MROP require a basic mobility and level of health that will allow you to move around and hike on uneven terrain. There is a period of fasting for those who can.  However, we have had people in their upper 70’s and those in wheelchairs go through this before successfully.  We will work with you.

Next Steps:

The next step is to complete the application and make a payment to attend the MROP. Click on the link below which will guide you through this process.